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1st Quarter 2018 Bit More Busy.



time for transparency written on clock face 

(photo courtesy Stuart Miles and


So far 2018 has been busy for the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO).

January 01 through March 31, 2018 shows the following:


Average Number of Detainees in Custody per day:

2018: 36.66 average daily population.

2017: 33.66 average daily population.

Increase of 3 people in custody per day average.


Number of telephone calls at the LCSO per day: (excludes calls to dispatch at CPD and dispatched calls for service.)

2018: 7,292 average of 81.02 per day.

2017: 5,388 average of 59.86 per day.

Increase of 1,904 calls or just over 21.15 calls per day.


Incident Reports:

2018: 151 while 17 had: 147 investigations. Increase of only 4


Arrest Reports:

2018: 63         2017:  42        An increase of 21 arrests for the year.


Employee Shortage:

The LCSO is continuing to operate with 2 full time and 1 part time deputy sheriff positions vacant.  At this time last year we were at full staff.