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Zaki Retires from Service



zaki and nicholas 2019.jpg

Zaki and Deputy Leadbetter at Training


Livingston County Sheriff Steve Cox sadly reports the retirement of our K-9 Zaki. 

The LCSO with support from our amazing community raised funds in 2014 and 2015 to purchase to implement a K-9 program with the sheriff's office.  Zaki came to the LCSO in 2016 and was assigned to former Deputy Mueller until he left employment here.  Deputy Nicholas Leadbetter has since been the K-9 handler and both did an outstanding job with Zaki.

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(Zaki enjoyed seeing young people)

During Zaki's career he helped solve a great many felony drug cases for a variety of agencies in north Missouri.  Zaki was an excellent tracking dog and helped on dozens of criminal tracks and apprehensions.  The mere presence of Zaki on the scene many times saved use of force situations as many would surrender.  There were times when people with drugs would tell the deputy or officer were the drugs were located upon learning Zaki was coming to the scene.  That alone tells you people talked about how effective Zaki was at doing his job.

Zaki even helped find fugitive(s) hiding from various law enforcement agencies in Daviess County when they busted a large multi-million dollar illegal marijuana growing operation tied to a Mexican Drug Cartel.

Early during Zaki's career he was struck by a vehicle while with former Deputy Mueller but was not seriously injured.  Later in his career Zaki was injured by a suspect during a critical use of force incident and since recovered.  Zaki also developed medical issues and had to have a good part of his tail amputated. 

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(Zaki is training in above photos)

It is now time Zaki retires from finding drugs or chasing criminal so he can enjoy life.  The County Commissioners and his vet all agreed  and support Zaki remaining with his best buddy and handler Deputy Nicholas Leadbetter.

At the present time we are not looking for a replacement K-9 but will consider such in the future.

zaki christmas 2019.jpg

Zaki was an excellent deputy and proudly did his job while always protecting his handler during the most critical times.  We again want to thank our community for supporting this office and program.

Thank you Zaki we love and miss you!


Sheriff Steve Cox